RGB Scripts

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tony schuite

Hi there,

I have been messing around with WS2801 RGB strips and a nice DMX controller for it.
Found the sweet RGB matrix feature and started creating my own scripts. Actually... I have been trying to create a script and accidentally made some nice ones. See attachments.

however: I am not able to create the one I want. I want a line in circular motion. is anyone able to create this?

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Jano Svitok

Hi Tony!

I will check your scripts when I find some time.

For now, I will give you some hints for the circular motion:
1. here are some line drawing algorithms: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_drawing_algorithm

2. you can compute the endpoints by sin/cos functions (this is most probably obvious)
Here are some more (perhaps?) interesting links:
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midpoint_circle_algorithm
* https://banu.com/blog/7/drawing-circles/

Note: I wrote QLC+ [enhancement](https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/pull/191) that allows to load an image (PNG/JPG/GIF) to RGB matrix,
so it's possible to draw the patterns in an image editor. It's still not in the main codebase, so either compile it yourself, or wait until it is included and released.
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