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Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:14 pm
by Joe Banko
I have been using QLC+ for a couple of weeks now. In my system I use an iMac with a DMXIS. QLC+ is one of the few products that talks to the DMXIS on MacOSX. But I agree with several other posters who find the documentation inadequate. In addition I have found that QLC+ is "forgetful". I set up scenes, chases, EFX and shows, only to find these objects have forgotten levels I have set. Sometimes a restart of QLC+ and the missing levels are back. Other times I see the levels set where they are supposed to be, but the fixture doesn't respond. So far I can verify that the fixture works from Simple Desk but not from a scene,chaser, etc. which had been working and no longer does without either a restart or by deleting the object and rebuilding it.
I started out with QLC and stumbled on QLC+ and was glad that I did, almost. I really miss the ability to tie channels to a common defined bus. I have created several chasers where I would like to control Fade In, Fade Out and Hold times from a virtual console but have been unable to find a way to do this if it's even possible. And then I run into the lack of documentation and don't even know if I'm setting up the chaser correctly.
I am trying to locate more documentation/tutorials other than the 3 basic tutorials and the internal and PDF versions of Help.


Joe B

Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:33 pm
by Jano Svitok

1. Timing (~bus): Create a [Speed Dial]( ... ddial.html) widget, and assign all the functions to it as you would to a bus. You can have a common S.D.W. for all fade in/fade out/duration, or have separate for each of them (see the check boxes in properties).

2. Levels: Can you post 1. QLC+ version 2. exact steps to reproduce the issue?

Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:47 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Jano :)
I've always admired your skill to find an answer to posts like these, even when on a subject like "Newbie questions" there are no questions at all :)

Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:10 pm
by Jano Svitok
Massimo, perhaps you should add one more point to the sticky post ("Choose informative title")

Joe, I have to agree with Massimo. It does really help if you 1. choose a title that sets the topic of your problem and 2. structure your questions so that they look like questions :) I mean, the easier is to find out what your problem is, the more probable it is that you get an answer.

Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:22 pm
by Massimo Callegari
I think I could add even "pay me 1,000,000€ before posting"
It seems no one reads it anyway...

Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:28 pm
by Jano Svitok
Like [here]( ... 60016.html)? :) (actually it's a fake, nevertheless a nice one).

Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:46 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Exactly !! LOL

Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:51 pm
by Joe Banko

First, thanks for the response. I am a retired Software QA Team Lead so I tend to describe situations in as much detail as possible. I guess that instead of the implied WHY I should have added it to the end with a question mark.

1. Wasn't aware of this process as I didn't see it in the documentation. Is it there?
2. Example; I programmed scenes to light PAR 64s and PAR 36s to different colors, Red, Green, Blue and White. I tested each of these scenes by creating a button in the Virtual Console and verifying that they all performed correctly. Does this sound correct? I then created scenes where a moving head would pan/tilt to a location and light to a matching color. I again created buttons, leaving the PAR buttons intact, that performed the moving head scene. Again they performed as expected. By the way all of this programming was done using channel groups I created in the fixture editor. Is that the best way to do it? I then started creating chasers for each pair of scenes. Light the PARs, move and light the heads. Created buttons in Virtual Console and assigned the chasers. Tried Red and Green which worked correctly, Blue didn't light up the PARS and White worked correctly. Is there any issue with how I have set up everything so far? I went back to design mode after testing and switched over to Simple Desk where I tried lighting up the PARs in Blue which worked. I then went into the scene which was supposed to light the PARs up in Blue and saw every group level had been zeroed out. So my question is why?

This is one example but there have been other similar issues where I set levels and somehow they get zeroed out. When using OpenSource code I tend to save a lot but is it possible that things are getting overwritten inadvertently?

One other thing; when I first post to a forum, blog or other social networking site my first post is almost always to "Newbie Questions" to let people know I am new to the group. I apologize if that offends you but don't you think it's a good idea to let people know you (me) are virtually clueless and may have overlooked something in the documentation?



Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:11 pm
by Jano Svitok
1. the link I added to my first response goes to text of the online help for speed dials. Current state of documentation somehow requires to read it end-to-end to find out what things are supported. It's a bit unfortunate and it's getting better bit by bit, but the time is limited. When you get over this newbie phase, I encourage you to write more docs :) For me, it's always a dilemma what to do in my limited free time: either write new features, fix the old ones, or write documentation (you know which one brings most fun...).

2. can you please post your workspace? If I find some time, I may have a look at it (no promise!)

3. First, don't take our comments too serious. Then, in this case I admit that I myself can't not devise a proper title for your post...

Newbie Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:44 pm
by Joe Banko
Again, thanks for the response Jano. I figured the speed dial out while I was writing posts, but I'd be grateful if you have a link for a detailed explanation of cuelists. The UI in the widget editor has me confused and I think it's going to be the thing I will use the most. Not to waste your time but just to give you a little insight into my situation;
I spent about 15 years on the road as a roadie/lighting designer back when LEDs were non-existent. I got into the IT industry at the electron level (RCA Solid State/GE VLSI applications) so I'm a hardware geek and VERY handy with my hands. Recently I gave up IT as it became more wrapped around itself in micro-management and micro-process (I have six-sigma and CMM certs) and was causing worse migraines. Over the past couple of years I put together a DJ/VJ business to pass the time, built much of my system and wrote a bunch of Lemur code to control it. While I can turn things off and on pretty quickly and remotely using my iPads and Lemur apps I really miss the feel and control of a console so I've been looking for the right lighting console preferably one I could fabricate like Lemur. So although I ask a lot of questions I really like to figure stuff out myself. I got a little disgusted with the Lemur editor and figured out how to hack the template files to get the app tweaked for my tastes. Been doing the same with VDMX5 for the video side. Traktor is my current audio choice but there are some things I've been watching and am hoping for updates on.
Anyway don't want to waste anymore of your time but wanted to give you an idea of what I hoping to get out of QLC+ and maybe what I can put back in.
