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Showtec PAR56 problem

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:15 pm
by tony schuite
Hi there, I am trying to create a color change chase with a Showtec PAR56 LED Fixture

The existing Showtec PAR56 fixture definition type is set as a Color changer. This means if I use it as a fixture in a chase, it will hold the last color (it has no intensity channel) when the chase is turned off.
I think this can be fixed by changing the fixture type to "Other".

Any other suggestions for creating a chase with this fixture?

also the descriptions are in German :)

Showtec PAR56 problem

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 9:10 pm
by laserandi
The fixture definition "color changer" is OK. The Problem is the channel definition. It has to be intensity not color. Please take a look at "lightmaXX Mega PAR".
A second option is to set channels to zero at all other fixtures. I give you an example in the attachment. It´s a red chaser.
Good luck.

German part:
Die "color changer" Definition ist OK. Aber die Definition der Kanäle nicht. Sie müssen als Intensity definiert werden mit der entsprechenden Farbe. Ein Beispiel dazu wäre die lightmaXX Mega Par Lampe.
Ein andere Möglichlichkeit wäre, die Kanäle die tatsächlich Null sein sollen auch explizit auf Null zu setzen. Beispiel im Anhang.