Enttec pro and MK2 problems 4.7.0 and GIT

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Hi, I have finally received those two enntecs pro. and I noticed that they have some problems in communication. They do send an receive but I did noticed that they louse connection on dmx from time to time on open present or when I change something. So I did some debugging and found some reading (rx) problem about the s/no:, that may be the cause. And after a little more playing with it, I found out that qlcplus didn’t bring up all the used channel at the beginning, and they are not send (activated) on dmx. They are only activated when they are used for the first time. The easy work around is to change the last channel or the 512 one to whatever and then back to 0. Then all the intermediate channels are used and set to 0 by the enttec. Then the channels are registered end send on the DMX (test: qlcplus->enttecpro -dmx-> enttecpro->enttec manager(read dmx).
Then I noticed that other people have the same problem, so I posted the qlc-verbose and dmesg hire: http://sourceforge.net/p/qlcplus/discus ... /3d4982fe/
Tested on 4.7.0/1 linux/win7, 32/64bit, qt 4.8.x.
If you have any advice or may be timings (master/enttec). Please help me/us. Thanks.
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