Bug in click&go with CMY fixture -- git

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Hi, me again. Probably discovered a bug when using click&go function with CMY fixture (MV). The black and white scenes are switched (dmx;255 for black and 0 for white). Gray scenes all set to 0. Animation proposed but no output in function and vc. Working correctly on RGB types. Tested with different fixtures of the same type, qlc-4.7.0 (git),qt 4.8.5, priority- very low (it can be easily fixed manually)
Jano Svitok


I don't understand you fully. What fixtures did you test? I tested Martin mac300 (virtually) and it seems ok (manual says 0-white, 255 full cyan/magenta/yellow). That means for at least some fixtures 0 white and 255 black is OK. Perhaps we should handle
different directions of the C/M/Y wheels...

They greys are wrong indeed.

What is animation?

I tested it with showtec phantom 250 wash (not yet uploaded). Which have C/M/Y set from min=0, max=255 and 0 is off and 255 is full. So white is 255=full all 3ch like R/G/B. Actually mac 300 is wrong too, 0=white is used on ch6 only(macro channel) and 255=shutter on (black) on ch1. But this is specific to the fixture and in my opinion is not good for auto generation.
Hope this help.

Phantom manual: http://www.rfsystems.nl/gebruiksaanwijz ... 172_E_.pdf
Mac 300 Manual: http://www.recycled-tech.com.au/wp-cont ... manual.pdf

woops... sorry. I think you are right. On this type of fixtures the white is at C/M/Y=0 and the black is controlled by the dimmer/shutter ch. Sorry again. The problem is that I don't have the fixture at hand. I will test it on the weekend on the real thing. The fixture I made is in the attachment (I know that is not the right place).

Animations=RGB script
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