Upload a project from usb stick

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Herwin Zandbergen


Normaly i use a laptop to run a show (based on a mp3) that i create on the pc.
And then i get the idea to bild flightcase with screen raspberry pi and dmx dongle
to use instead of the laptop because it would be easier.

So Yesterday i started with Qlc+ on my raspberry pi.
While i was testing the system i found out that its not possible to load a show from usb stick, is that right?

And with mp3? because mp3 is also not possible for the remote version?

Massimo Callegari

Hi, raspberry 1 or 2 ?

What you ask is not possible at the moment from a USB stick or via web interface.
You need to use relative paths in your project and manually upload the extra files, either via SSH/scp or by copying them on the SD card if your OS supports the ext4 filesystem (most likely Linux)

In any case if you have RPi 1 I don't suggest doing audio playback with it.
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install the package 'usbmount', then you will find the usb stick on /media/usb to load (and save) the qxw-files.
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sorry, i have the same problem because "usbmount" can't be found in repo, where i can download?
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apt-get update
apt-get install usbmount
will solve your issue. It's written in the user guide PDF.
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