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QLC+ on Raspi first impressions and issues

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:30 pm
by Willy_Pinguino
Hi to all

I've seen with extreme satisfaction the first relase of the QLC+ on Raspi image... and obviusly I've tested it immediatly!

now some issue that I've found in my first 3 hours of playing

the network setup don't work propery...
with a

> ifconfig -a

I can see that eth0 isn't active but is active an eth1 that obviusly isn't configured in the
I've add a new istance to configure eth1 and go forward... but after some play I've moved the SD in a second Raspi (model B revision 1 - with 256 mb of ram) to see if the QLC+ could work in a 256 mb of ram version, and it's work but again the eth0 and eth1 aren't recognized but is activated an eth2 interface...
well another istance in the etc/network/interfaces and all works propery, but semes that the ethX interfaces are bound with a specific MAC address of the interfaces, in fact, when I move again the SD in the first Raspi the interface used is again eth1...

the help frame in the Raspi interface (what you can see when you connect the raspi to an external video) isn't resizable and the help isn't usable

if for some problem you cannot load or simple you forgot to load some special fixtures before load the project using the web interface, the web interface freeze to a "loading" page and the Raspi reboot but you must close the web page because if you wait the complete reboot and the restart of QLC+, and try to refresh the page of the loading, the Raspi reboot again...

except that, the impression was really good, the system semes really responsive, but I have trayed it only in interface, without a real dmx out...

but if possible, I want take this opportunity to ask a way to adjust from web interface and during the playing state, the sensibility of the microphopne or the setup of the "sound to light" item...

in every case, thanks for all the work to all for this wonderfull software :)

QLC+ on Raspi first impressions and issues

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:48 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Hi Willy !
I've just created a new forum area for the RPi realated discussions.

Thanks for reporting your impressions.
It seems other users have experienced the network issue. Most likely something got cached during my tests and the network settings got messed up.
There shouldn't be any network interface on a RPi other than eth0 since it has only one ethernet port.

For the windows resize issue I'll try to find a solution as well. Basically the software is not designed for editing on the Pi, but in any case your observation is correct.

As for the third point, I think I know what it is. If you do the same on a PC, you'll notice a popup showing the errors occurred during a project load.
I'll fix the case when loading a project through the web.

QLC+ on Raspi first impressions and issues

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:06 pm
by Willy_Pinguino
wow... thanks Massimo for the immediate answer...

Pi got only one eth interface, but I think that the configuration tool look at it reading the MAC address because with 3 different Pi used (your's for the first configuration and mine two) the eth interfaces configured are exactly 3 (eth0 for your configuration, eth1 for my first Pi, and eth2 for my second Pi)

probably there is a way to don't chain the eth interfaces at an unique MAC address, but my knowledge in linux isn't so higger...

in every case, the solution is simple and is only edit the /etc/network/interfaces configuration file and add the appropiate setup...

QLC+ on Raspi first impressions and issues

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:10 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Well, my Linux knowledge, instead, should be high enough to solve the issue, especially on embedded devices (I do it as a job since 13 years now...)

However, I've never experienced a behaviour like that before. The kernel should map always eth0. Unless udev is doing something evil.
I'm trying to understand right now what can be the cause...

QLC+ on Raspi first impressions and issues

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:14 pm
by Willy_Pinguino
good luck dude :)

QLC+ on Raspi first impressions and issues

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 8:16 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Ok, I think I found something
Can you please try to move (or remove) this file:

It seems there's my MAC address hardcoded there so udev maps the interface into another eth* name.

Then reboot or try on another Rpi

QLC+ on Raspi first impressions and issues

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:16 pm
by Willy_Pinguino
yeah! It's work!! now eth0 is the active network interface
I can remove the the other ethX settings now :) (well, with more of one eth interface setted, the boot time was more slow :-P )

damn... not so well...
using the second Raspi, I've lost again the eth0... the
was created again, and I suppose that it will be created again at every boot if it isn't present...
in this way I can simply add a configuration for every Raspi that I want use and it will work, but it's annoying :(

QLC+ on Raspi first impressions and issues

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:42 pm
by Linus
Thanks for fixing the network problems. Meanwhile I had some issues with the keyboard.
1. After the pi has started I can’t run functions by keyboard. I have to log in (or direct access) and start a function by mouse. After one click the keyboard works too.
2. The caps lock led doesn’t work.
How can that be fixed?

QLC+ on Raspi first impressions and issues

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:09 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Hi Linus, thanks for reporting.
Maybe it's just a focus issue. I'll check it ASAP