ColorPresets and Sliders

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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 22, 2024 1:00 pm
Real Name: Gabriel

Hi all!
I'm new to QLC+ and I want to replace our "old" DMX console in our small club to a softwaresolution.

My first goal is to build a virtual console to control our RGBW-LED-Pars on the stage and some basic scenes for the room.
I want to have some one-click-presets (Dark / Entry-Light / Pause-Light / static color(s)...) working together with RGB-Sliders to get a colorfull stage. (Later I want to use chasers also...)
In order to control the presets, I generated some scenes where the LED-Pars get there color and place them into a "solo Frame" - while the sliders have "Monitor the selected channels..." activated.

Is there a way to
1) "reset channels override" when clicking on a Preset
2) unselect all presets when changing a slider

best regards
Posts: 435
Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2021 9:31 am
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Hey Gabriel,

I'm mobile at the moment and can't test, but I would try and have a look at enabling and disabling frames.

The best way to have a bunch of looks exclusive from each other is to use a solo frame.

Please feel free to post your show file and I can take a more in depth look.

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