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Saving Projects Question

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 12:43 pm
by Addman01
Hi everyone,
I have a question related to saving and transferring a project.

I have a QLC+ project on V 4.12.6 on a laptop that i've spent a lot of time programming. I would like to move that entire project to another laptop to work on further, likely on V 4.13.1.

Laptop 1 is not with me right now and i will need to travel to access it. But before i do, i wanted to ask if it is as simple as saving the project to a USB stick and re-importing on laptop 2, or do i need to copy other folders over?

Any help in advance would be appreciated to ensure i don't miss any crucial files.

Thanks everyone!

Re: Saving Projects Question

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 10:37 am
by MichelSliepenbeek
Have a look at questions 4 and 5 overhere: ... nd-answers
So basically you need to copy your QXW workfiles from your System Folder to a USB stick as well as all your User Folders.

Furthermore you need to find out if you use Audio, Video or Pictures in your show.
If so then you need to copy those files as well (i made it a habbit to create specific subfolders for those files in my QLC+ User Folder).

Finally it might be that you need specific drivers for (for instance) a USB-DMX dongle (or a MIDI controller that is connected via USB) or that you need specific CODECS for video or audio.
In general it is best to install the latest version from the web (if still supported by the manufacturer, otherwise copy them over from your old Laptop as well).

Be ware that you will be performing two operations: move your project to another laptop and upgrade QLC+ from 4.12.6 to 4.13.1.
Maybe it is a good idea to start with 4.12.6 on your Laptop2 and first move your project.
When everything is working as expected perform the upgrade as a separate step.
This way, if you run into problems you at least now what is causing them.

Re: Saving Projects Question

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 2:05 pm
by Addman01
Thank you so much for this Michel

I am not using video, audio or pictures in my show, purely to control light fixtures.

But I will ensure I copy the folders mentioned over too

Also, I will roll back to match the version of qlc to ensure no compatibility issues occur…

Thanks again for the help