Hello everyone,
The topic has been discussed a couple of times on the forum here: how to use a Behringer X32 console to control QLC+ via OSC. This is not directly possible. The X32 needs '/xremote' messages before it will start sending, and the X32 uses OSC messages with integer variables while QLC+ uses floats.
I have created a small program to act as a proxy between the two: xremote-proxy. It is able to receive the X32 OSC messages and convert them to QLC+ ones, and vice versa. It will also send '/xremote' messages to the X32. It even supports the more advance use-case of multiple X32's and/or QLC+ instances, so you can have something like TouchOSC that emulates an X32 for remote control on your phone.
Now the thing is, I did some initial tests a while back, now the program is ready for a 'first release'. But since there are holidays now, I don't have access to an X32 to do some final tests So this post is actually for two things: to let you guys know about this project, and perhaps to find someone with the same use-case that's willing to try it out for me
You can find the project at https://github.com/Jurrie/xremote-proxy, and you can download the runnable jar at https://github.com/Jurrie/xremote-proxy ... roxy-0.0.1. You'll need Java 21 for it to run. It's a commandline program, so start with opening a console and do try `java -jar xremote-proxy-0.0.1.jar`
You'll also need the QLC+ input profile. That's available at https://github.com/Jurrie/xremote-proxy/tree/main/res. There you can also find a template QLC+ project.
With kind regards,