I'd like to contribute to this wonderful project by implementing support for a most overlooked yet powerful feature of the DE/FX5/Nodle DMX devices: The integrated merger mode.
All those devices have an input and an output port and offer a mode that transforms the device into being an HTP merger that takes the DMX inbound values and (depending on whether the device is set to input, output, both, or none):
a) merges those input values with the output values coming from QLC+ (in HTP mode), or
b) sends input values to QLC+ while sending the same values to the output, or
c) sends input values to QLC+ AND merges those input values with the output values coming from QLC+ (in HTP mode).
A complete mode list of the devices is:
0: Do nothing - Standby
1: DMX In -> DMX Out
2: PC Out -> DMX Out
3: DMX In + PC Out -> DMX Out
4: DMX In -> PC In
5: DMX In -> DMX Out & DMX In -> PC In
6: PC Out -> DMX Out & DMX In -> PC In
7: DMX In + PC Out -> DMX Out & DMX In -> PC In
But until now modes 1, 3, 5, and 7 are not yet implemented.
Internally, this implementation is easy, because it just adds another 1 to the device driver mode.
Like so in plugins/hid/hiddmxdevice.cpp (last two lines):
Code: Select all
void HIDDMXDevice::updateMode()
* Send chosen mode to the HID DMX device
unsigned char driver_mode = 0;
if (m_mode & DMX_MODE_OUTPUT)
driver_mode += 2;
if (m_mode & DMX_MODE_INPUT)
driver_mode += 4;
if (m_mode & DMX_MODE_MERGER)
driver_mode += 1;
But as those devices are HID devices suddenly all HID devices (Joysticks and the like) get this checkbox too which only makes sense for the beforementioned devices.
Has somebody any proposal on this one?
Should the mentioned devices be separated from HIDDevices or should all the other HIDDevices just disable this checkbox or is there a more clever approach for setting this setting?
Thanks and regards.