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EFX Transition problem

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:31 pm
by ifartist
I have a problem with transitions from EFX's to each other but also to other scenes or chasers in connection with my Lixada movinghead.
Regardless of whether I set the EFX figure relatively or absolutely, the moving head jumps to a new position as soon as I select another function in the virtual console or start, stop and start the existing EFX figure again.
This then has a very damaging effect on the mechanics and motors :( .
Even the variant from the tutorials, in which i create a static position and place a relative EFX figure on it, doesn't work without a "jump" as soon as I select another scene or something similar or stop the existing one and start it again.
Is it QLC+ or am I doing something wrong or not paying attention to something?
At the moment I'm using version 4.12.7
Thank you for your help!
Many greets from Bernd

Re: EFX Transition problem

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:59 am
by GGGss
Welcome to the forum,

Recently, (I mean in the last month), the engine has been reworked to handle 16b values and priorities better.
The bumps you see come from a setting where you must subtract the moving parameters from your centre position. There was a thread about this: viewtopic.php?p=72057&hilit=16b+relative#p72057
Use fade-times to go from one EFX to the other without erratic movements. This also was a recent evolution.
Stating that
This then has a very damaging effect on the mechanics and motors :(.
is not 100% true. Movers are made to move. I have some running day in and day out, with now approximately 14k hours on the clock. Be happy that it is forbidden to smoke inside venues nowadays. Tar is a very sticky substance and cleaning movers was a mess in the past.

My best suggestion is to try the test versions, or wait for the upcoming v4.13 (really soon).

Re: EFX Transition problem

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:35 am
by MichelSliepenbeek
You could also have a look at the example overhere:


It shows you a way to control the size of the EFX's you are running (with a Slider), as well as a way to control the speed of those EFX's (using a Speed Dial).
If you start your EFX with the size set to small and then increase the size, you can smoothen the start movement.
You can do the same when you stop your EFX (by first decerasing the size and then stopping the EFX).

I suppose your Fixture also has a Channel for Pan/Tilt Speed.
You can also make use of that. If you add a slider on your VC, you can set it to slow before you start your EFX and then increase this Speed.
In the same way, reduce your Speed again before you Stop your EFX.

Re: EFX Transition problem

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:39 pm
by giacomo
Hi, is it implemented the fade out time?
Anyway for me in v5 there are still other issues, eg. the transition to an absolute FX, it jumps.
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