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Avoid conflict between chaser and related scenes in solo frame
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:59 pm
by maartenvd84
- Scene 1: "Amber + Red (v1)"
- Scene 2: "Amber + Red (v2)" -> Just reverses the color assignment (of v1) ... "Red + Amber" in other words

- Chaser: Scene 1 & Scene 2
I want to put those on the VC in my 'color' solo frame. One press of a button = specific color scenario (regular scene or chaser) is launched, and the currently running scene or chaser is stopped.
Works like a charm when switching between regular scenes...but harder for the chaser. That one gets into conflict when it is launched.
I thought I could solve the problem by putting the chasers in a separate solo frame in the parent solo frame (which regular scenes) ... which indeed allows me to launch the chaser. My regular scenes get a nice orange rectangle around them when the chaser calls upon them.
Problem: With that solution I can't switch with a single press of a button between 'color scenes/color chasers'.
Is the only way to get this working making a duplicate of the color scenes and only assigning those copies to the chaser?
Your thoughts?
Re: Avoid conflict between chaser and related scenes in solo frame
Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:19 pm
by maartenvd84
Added a test file with generic rgb to demonstrate my problem.
Note: the second solo frame with the chaser is only VISUALLY in the color scene solo frame.
And for the bigger picture: the idea is to have a 8x8 matrix that combines scenes and chasers ... launched from my midi pad. Hence the reason why I visually put that chaser frame in.
Re: Avoid conflict between chaser and related scenes in solo frame
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:38 am
by GGGss
Solo frames and reuse of scenes is troublesome. This has been accepted as not being a bug, because as a side effect it is darn handy.
Say you have 4 solo frames and you want to stop all running stuff inside them. Add a 'stop'-scene in every frame. Now add a flash button outside of all the frames and bind it to the 'stop'-scene.
With one press on the flash button, you literally stop all the running stuff inside all solo frames.
The visual indication of a 'is-triggered-somewhere-else' situation is the amber outline of a button. When a scene is called somewhere, it is active elsewhere too. In combination with a solo frame, this results in an internal fight.
Except for duplicating the scenes, I cannot come up with another solution ATM. Maybe @michiel will come up with something nifty.
Re: Avoid conflict between chaser and related scenes in solo frame
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:19 am
by MichelSliepenbeek
I would not use a chaser to reproduce a Police Light.
Instead i would go for a RGB Matrix. My first thought was to use the Even/Odd pattern, but that does not work if you only have one fixture. So use Pattern Alternate.
In the same way i always use a script to stop all running functions within a Frame. As it stops itself when ready, you don't need a Flash button.
By the way: if you also want the button of a APC Mini to flash Red and Blue when the Police Light Function is running: no idea how to do that.

Re: Avoid conflict between chaser and related scenes in solo frame
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:18 pm
by maartenvd84
Say you have 4 solo frames and you want to stop all running stuff inside them. Add a 'stop'-scene in every frame. Now add a flash button outside of all the frames and bind it to the 'stop'-scene.
With one press on the flash button, you literally stop all the running stuff inside all solo frames.
Always appreciate it when I get more info that what I asked for

. So, tried this little nifty trick... but failed. Well, it fails sometimes. See video video:
Probably I'm missing out on something.
I would not use a chaser to reproduce a Police Light.

Couldn't agree more

. But this was my simplified example to isolate the problem. In reality the scenes of the chaser are slightly more advanced (or at least harder to achieve with RGB matrix).
In the same way i always use a script to stop all running functions within a Frame. As it stops itself when ready, you don't need a Flash button.
Interesting. That implies that:
- you have good control over what you want to get stopped
- ... but need to maintain the script well if you add new items to a solo frame.
By the way: if you also want the button of a APC Mini to flash Red and Blue when the Police Light Function is running: no idea how to do that.

Hehe, a little bit of programming in some midi middleware program would maybe do the trick by sending on intervals different values when noteOn was detected, but ... I think there's more interesting things to learn for me at this point

Re: Avoid conflict between chaser and related scenes in solo frame
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:20 pm
by MichelSliepenbeek
Probably I'm missing out on something.
Change your Stop Button from Flash to Toggle and it will work.
Interesting. That implies that:
- you have good control over what you want to get stopped
- ... but need to maintain the script well if you add new items to a solo frame.
I ususally keep all the functions of a solo frame in a specific (sub) folder or otherwise my naming convention ensures that at least the beginning of the name of the Function is always the same (Wash Flash ......, Wash Complements ..... , MH Pan ......, MH Tilt ........etc).
That way it is easiest to completely replace a script when something changes: just delete the old one and create a new one (use click and shift-click to select the whole range).
Re: Avoid conflict between chaser and related scenes in solo frame
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 10:24 am
by maartenvd84
Indeed. Replaced the 'flash' button with a regular 'toggle' and it does the job. Also seems to behave like a flash anyway.
But back to the original question: it sounds like I effectively will need to make duplicates of the scenes that are part of the chaser if I want to include them in a solo frame.
Thanks guys!
Re: Avoid conflict between chaser and related scenes in solo frame
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:13 am
by MichelSliepenbeek
Also seems to behave like a flash anyway.
That is because in your STOP scene you did not select a fixture.
If (in the STOP scene) you select your Fixture, select all 3 channels and set them to zero, you will notice that it will act like a Toggle Button.
Re: Avoid conflict between chaser and related scenes in solo frame
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:33 am
by GGGss
Not willing to mix up the thread, see project attached. A dummy fader + the stop scene addressing this dummy and the flash button altered into a toggle (my bad pointing out flash).
If scenes are used in multiple places, you need to clone them. This is done in the background of the show component... reusing a scene there is creating a hidden copy of the original. But again this is off topic.