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submaster assignable to a frame or group of functions

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 9:56 am
by BerryHelly
Hey all,

I do quite some installed work, and alot of them with led strips and pixel strips. I can comfortably control them with RGB panels and the effect generators in qlc, but something I really miss is a function like the VDim in chamsys, where you can "create" a seperate dim channel for the fixtures (allowing a whole new set of effects, which require a workaround in QLC). I understand that this function is a whole different idea of programming, and thus i also resorted to using submaster faders in frames.

However, when creating a big layout, this results in quite alot of frames in different places in the window, often with multiple pages. I now put a submaster in the subframe, which is often also in a different frame also containing a submaster fader. This looks quite messy, and thus the question wether it would be possible to have submaster faders, that you can assign them to a certain frame, or even a group of functions etc, so you can organize the faders in the virtual console in a logical way, and keep all the buttons and widgets evenly spread across the window ;)

Let me know what you think!

warm regards,

Re: submaster assignable to a frame or group of functions

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 1:31 pm
by GGGss
Welcome to the forum,

With my bigger setups, I quite use a lot of loopback channels so I can demultiplex one slider into many more.
Now comes the trick. When I need submasters synced (for the obvious neatness of the VC), I put dial sliders onto the frames and make them as small as possible. They don't need any manipulation since they are 'slaves' of the main submaster. One main submaster slider can feed multiple slave-submasters in different frames.

[edit: rereading: I just produced a pile of words garbage. But I hope you get the idea after all...]

Re: submaster assignable to a frame or group of functions

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:46 pm
by MichelSliepenbeek
Have look at the example in this post: viewtopic.php?p=70234#p70234.
On the first page of the multi page frame you will find an example how to set up a Loopback slider on a Submaster.

If you right-click the (Red - Green - Blue - White) Solo Frame, select Widget Stacking Order ( ... -placement) and set the Solo Frame to Raise (put it in the Foreground/on top), you can now move the Submaster Slider underneath this Solo Frame.
This way you don't have to see the submaster (on your "messy Virtual Console") and you can put the Loopback Slider where you want it to be.

Keep in mind that you can use one Loopback Slider on one or more submaster(s) (= 1 to many), but a submaster can only "listen" to one external control (at least in QLC4).