Can't change the site html
Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 10:07 pm
I got my qlc+ web image on my rpi and I've played around with it. I tired to make a web application that can people with no technical skill whom i was making it for access and use.
I started to play around with code and maneged to change a few things. For example, I've changed, that the button collor will change if i togle it on and of, not just a small border. I also change the color of the "controlBar" (I just liked it better ).
Then i noticed an issue. I didn't want to leave the app without extra permission needed to access the configure and load project tabs, so I set a simple password and username, so if you log in or if you clicked configure/load project button, you would get verified. But if i didn't enter the password and just clicked cancel, it would just lock me out of the app till i reloaded the page and loged in again. It may sound like no big deal, but it becomes really buggy and it sometimes doesnt work eaven after page reloads. (Its intended to use on a mobile phone)
My solution to this problem was, that I would in the css files turn off the controlBar. Then i would put the load project and simple desk button right next to the back and system button you would get if you clicked on configuration beforhand. (The way I would access the confiuration file is, that i siply add /confing after my adress [ ->] )
The problem is, i can't edit the html file, because it generates on spot. Can someone help me?
I got my qlc+ web image on my rpi and I've played around with it. I tired to make a web application that can people with no technical skill whom i was making it for access and use.
I started to play around with code and maneged to change a few things. For example, I've changed, that the button collor will change if i togle it on and of, not just a small border. I also change the color of the "controlBar" (I just liked it better ).
Then i noticed an issue. I didn't want to leave the app without extra permission needed to access the configure and load project tabs, so I set a simple password and username, so if you log in or if you clicked configure/load project button, you would get verified. But if i didn't enter the password and just clicked cancel, it would just lock me out of the app till i reloaded the page and loged in again. It may sound like no big deal, but it becomes really buggy and it sometimes doesnt work eaven after page reloads. (Its intended to use on a mobile phone)
My solution to this problem was, that I would in the css files turn off the controlBar. Then i would put the load project and simple desk button right next to the back and system button you would get if you clicked on configuration beforhand. (The way I would access the confiuration file is, that i siply add /confing after my adress [ ->] )
The problem is, i can't edit the html file, because it generates on spot. Can someone help me?