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Set Individual Values for Multiple Fixtures with XY Pad Position Preset

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 5:17 pm
by ShagLight
When setting a mover position as a preset in the XY pad, you can only set one set of value for all the fixtures. It would be nice to be able to set different values for different fixtures.

The reason I want this is because I use several different positions with my movers and run EFXs in relative. And I also need to be able to control the tilt with a fader on an APC40 MK2.

Re: Set Individual Values for Multiple Fixtures with XY Pad Position Preset

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 11:22 am
by GGGss
A preset in an XY pad almost equals a position set in a scene. In that scene you could set different values for different movers. That sorts it out I guess?
The tilt capability in conjunction with a set scene, will also work because of LTP. The only thing which will be difficult is to be able to catch the current tilt position and work from there on. A slider in relative mode would be ideal... or you could try to make a slider which gives positive and negative values. (-30 to +30 f.i.).