Sequences "pause/freeze/stuck"" when used in a show together?

The issues found when using the Show Manager panel
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As stated in the topic title. While building a show I added 2 chasers which include a sequence each. They simply pulse par lights for rear of the stage and front of the stage. Rear red, front white.

When playing the show they become "paused/freeze/stuck". I created a new show (Test Show) and rule out the issue but the same thing still happens.
Lighting Show.qxw
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Further Issue scaled down.
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You included all your 4in1's in both sequences, so when you try to run them both at the same time they fight against each other.
I quickly added 2 buttons on your VC to mimick the outcome. Check the DMX monitor and you'll see.
Solution: delete the fixtures which are not focused in both sequences.
Lighting Show (2).qxw
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Thank you so much for taking the time to find the issue. This morning I replicated the setup to try and solve it and could not find a reason even while examining the XML show file.

I "cloned" the sequence trying to be faster instead of creating a new one from the menu. This resulted in both sequences bound so when I changed one it changed the other.

TLDR: Don't clone the sequence, create a fresh new one.
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