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Can I create a slider that turns on lights (channels) one by one without fading?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:06 am
by Inc

I have a simple rgbw controller and there is a white led stripe connected to every channel (4 channels). Since I can not use dimming because of flickering problems, I want control the intensity of the light by switching stripes on one by one. Is there a way to program a slider positions to do so? The end result is 10 lamps (everyone of them has 4 channels) and simple layout with 10 sliders.

Re: Can I create a slider that turns on lights (channels) one by one without fading?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:43 am
by janosvitok

if I understand correctly:

- you have 10 lamps with 4 channels each
- you want to have 10 sliders that each control 1 lamp (= 4 channels)
- you want to turn on the channels one by one as the slider rises, e.g. slider at 0% = all channels off, slider at 25% one channel on, slider at 50% two channels on, 75 % three channels on, 100% all channels on

FIRST STEP: Lets' convert the % to DMX values (0-255, i.e. we must divide 256 values to 5 intervals, 256/5=51.2, let's use 50 so the numbers are easier to compute):

- 0 channels ON = 0..50
- 1 channel ON = 51..100
- 2 channels ON = 101..150
- 3 channels ON = 151..200
- 4 channels ON = 201..255

Note: The first and the last interval are somewhat larger, but it doesn't matter. You can choose the interval as you wish. You may later adjust the intervals to get desired "feeling" of the slider travel, but let's stick with these numbers for now.

SECOND STEP: Create 4 channel modifiers (See documentation at ... rties.html)

Start with the "Threshold" template. By default it cuts at 128 (values below 128 are output as 0, above 128 as 255).
For channel 1 template, move the threshold (both points, lower and upper) to 51. Save it as "Channel 1" template.
For channel 2, move the threshold to 101, save it as "Channel 2" template. Similarly with Channel 3 (threshold 151) and Channel 4 (threshold 201).

THIRD STEP: Assign templates to channels. Assign "Channel 1" template to the first channel of every lamp (10 channels, 1, 5, 9,...)
Channel 2 to second channel of every lamp (again 10 channels, 2, 6, 10,...), Channel 3 (3, 7, 11,..) and Channel 4 (4, 8, 12,...)

FOURTH STEP: Create sliders (10 of them,, set them to Level mode, and let each control all four channels of a respective lamp.
I.e. Slider 1 = channels 1..4, Slider 2= channels 5..8,... etc. slider 10 = 37..40.

And that's it.


The sliders set all the channels to "normal" DMX values - 0 at the bottom, 255 at the top. Before the values are output the the DMX line, they are adjusted by the channel modifiers.
In the interval 0..50 all channels are below the respective modifier's threshold, so 0 is the output.
At value 51, first channel's modifier reaches threshold, so the output is 255, the rest of the channels stay at 0.
As the values rise (with the slider), the output stays the same until it reaches next threshold, this time that of the channel 2 (101).
At value 101 channel 1 stays at 255, channel 2 rises to 255 and the rest stay at 0.
Similarly for other thresholds.

Good luck!


Re: Can I create a slider that turns on lights (channels) one by one without fading?

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:29 am
by Inc
Superb! Works like a charm :) Thank You Jano!