Send ArtNet output over bluetooth?

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Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2023 5:38 pm
Real Name: Ryan Nichols

Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
Is it possible in the QLC+ software to send the ArtNet information out to a bluetooth device?
We have a Lumenradio Luna that I am trying to send information to and it only has bluetooth.

Thank you
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Real Name: Jano Svitok

The product page is here:

I could not find any description of the protocol other that "The same [Bluettoth] interface can also be used to transmit DMX data directly from supported lighting control apps without the need of any additional hardware." I could not find any "supported lighting control apps" list either.

The manual says: "Aurora and Luna supports receiving DMX data with limited refresh rate over the Bluetooth interface.
This can be used with apps that supports this interface natively."

Note that they mention "limited refresh rate".

If you can provide description of the protocol then it MAY be implemented (provided someone invests the time to write the support).
Alternatively, you may find an app that converts ArtNet or other supported protocol to luna's bluetooth protocol.

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Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2023 5:38 pm
Real Name: Ryan Nichols

Thank you for the reply. I will see what I can find for the bluetooth protocol.
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Real Name: Jano Svitok

FYI, I've found some apps that support the devices:
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Knowing the Lumenradio way of working, Bluetooth is only needed for configuration.
Once configured, they are fed with DMX signals, and send the DMX train to remotes by CRXM of W-DMX.
__ You cannot get the device to send out any kind of DMX through the use of Bluetooth. __
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