layout/UI Concept

This is a place for sharing with the community the results you achieved with QLC+, as a sort of use case collection.
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Real Name: Bram Janssen

Hi all,

Inspired by the super nice new icons i tried to make a new layout/UI for QLC+.
I have no real plans or skills to make this a reality but I was wondering what you guys think or would change/improve.

I'm sorry if this isn't the right way to do/post this. I am a newbie on the forum so please correct me if i am doing it wrong :)
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Hey thanks so much for posting these!!

Happy to make this the main thread for ideation. Are you any good with Figma? I can add you to the project.

I like the look (especially the colours) but I think we're focused on restyling the 5 version that we currently have.

Take a look at these and tell me what you think:
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Real Name: Bram Janssen

Hi Yestalgia,

it would be great to make this the main thread for ideation.
I am new to figma but am well versed in Adobe XD so it should be relatively easy and quick to learn.
It would be grand if you can add me to the project, I realy like the clean layout! :)
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Please DM me your Email and we can have a look together. Looking to implement Material UI as the standard and build from there.

Glad I'll be getting some help!
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