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Help with setting up

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:27 am
by jaxpanetta
Hi guys, kinda new to this whole subject. Have been looking around on the internet with no avail. if i was to purchase a dmx input to usb for my pc could i connect my dmx light desk (TheatreLightNZ SceneMaster3f) to my pc and programs its fader to control the software. then i would want to use a seperate interface as dmx out to my 2x JANDS GP12 DIMMERS. is this possible?

Re: Help with setting up

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:03 am
by Yestalgia
Fantastic, welcome!

Yes this is possible. I would recommend an ENTTEC ODE MKIII which would let you use only one device to do everything. Here's what you need to do:

  • Connect to the web interface (follow enttec's instructions)
  • Setup the node so it has Artnet Ouptut (Universe 0) on port 1
  • Setup the node so it has Artnet Input (Universe 1) on port 2
  • Physical setup should look something like the following. Apologies for the crude drawing:
    ODE Config.PNG
QLC+ Output to the Dimmers:
  • Add your fixtures to "Universe 1"
  • Go to inputs/outputs and set the output for Universe one to the artnet network that has the ODE on it. Below is an example
    Capture.PNG (6.95 KiB) Viewed 988 times
  • Verify that everything is working by moving some faders on the simple desk. You should see the dimmers react.
QLC+ Input from the console:
  • Go to inputs/outputs and set the Input for Universe 2 to the artnet network that has the ODE on it. Below is an example:
    ArtnetIn.PNG (7.18 KiB) Viewed 988 times
  • You should now be able to use the console to control widgets on the simple desk.
All this is possible with a USB interface as well, just thought I'd show you the thing that can do both.

Hope this helps,

Re: Help with setting up

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 7:51 am
by sbenejam
My recommendation for your case is that you look for an Artnet DMX controller from two or more universes and that allows you to configure one of the DMX ports as a port of entry.
With some USB DMX controllers with two ports you can only use it for input or output DMX. I think that the Artnet DMX controllers are more flexible than USB ones. They can be configured in many ways to suit your needs.
The Enttec ODE mkII i a good option. I bought some time ago this device: ... SwsAVcuE8q
In this forum post you can view some photos of the device and some information about it.