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A sneak function, or timed slider

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:58 pm
by AjCupo
Hi there,
I've done a thorough "ctrl + f" through the documentation for a "sneak" function and can't seem to find one, if it exists. Ideally looking for a feature that can be either typed or appended to a command that would act as the equivalent of the "sneak" button on an ETC Eos console. Essentially it just completes what ever command is typed over the span of the preset time in the sneak settings. This is ideal when turning on a light or adding a light to a live scene so that it doesn't simply appear. Having run mostly and so much with an Eos, I've found this function super useful and can't seem to find it in QLC+.

I've seen talk of the "speed dial" (in a post from 2014 - and also read this post: (viewtopic.php?t=15052) but I can't tell if this is what I'm looking for and the answer is mostly a couple of clarifying questions without a direction to move in.

Ultimately, I just want to control a single slider in "Level" mode over the span of say 5-seconds. So if I slide the slider to 90% from zero, it will fade up to 90% over 5-seconds. And if I put the slider to 80% it will lower over 5-seconds. (The 5-second setting would be custom to each show, but doesn't need to be custom per slider.)

Any help would be appreciated!

Re: A sneak function, or timed slider

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 11:17 am
by GGGss
Welcome to the forum,

Wait - 3 questions in one thread? Don't do that. It will create a mess.
I will only answer the first question.

Sneak: Ok you are asking for a 'preview' or 'blind' mode now. QLC+ does not have this functionality and even then, how would one know what he is doing? There isn't a visualizer except for the 2D monitor, which in turn, doesn't possess a blind or preview mode.
Now my question: where do you type commands? In the Raspi command environment? How do you do that and how does QLC+ respond to this? There IS an API you can address but again ... there is no such thing as a command interpreter.

2) what are you looking for?
3) with the help of some loopback magic, it could be done - altough...

Please create 2 more threads so we can answer

Re: A sneak function, or timed slider

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 7:48 pm
by AjCupo
Let me give this another shot.

First - thanks for reading and responding, but my entire post was about the SAME topic: a "sneak" function. (I then posted two possible solutions that I found but didn't know if they are the correct way to go about it.)

Second: the sneak function is a LIVE function that is used during a LIVE playback/show. On an ETC Eos Light Board this function is used when say an actor messes up and a light needs to be manually added LIVE (not in blind).

The way this works on an ETC Eos Light Board is simple:
1 - In the settings of the board you can set the default sneak time (I usually use 5 seconds)
2 - Then in LIVE MODE :: Type [Channel 1] [Sneak] [at] [90%] [Enter]
2 - The result :: Channel 1 will fade up to 90% over five seconds.

This feature is really helpful when trying to adapt or update lighting on the fly. "Oh no, actor walked too far downstage, I just want to turn on light 5 but I would like it come on slowly so it isn't noticeable, EASY, use the sneak function."

That's it, that's the singular question. Any help in achieving this or possibly implementing this would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks again.

(No need to create two more threads, this is all the same topic. Thanks!)

Re: A sneak function, or timed slider

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 10:22 pm
by MichelSliepenbeek
Speed Dial is a powerfull instrument, i use it a lot.

First of all you need to understand that you can use 2 Speed Dials on the same function: one for Running Speed (set Fade In and Fade Out to "not Sent") and a seperate one for Fade In and Fade Out (or even separate ones for Fade In And Fade Out).
You can set Presets, but if you use External Input you can also control the Time with a Fader (which might be a Real Fader on a midi Wing, but if you use LoopBack also might be a Fader on your Virtual Console).

If you follow this link you will find an example of how i use this: viewtopic.php?p=67586#p67586

On top of each "Panel" you will find the Speed Dials (on the left Panel one for Speed and one for Fade, the right one only has Speed).
On the next row you will find Presets (Slow, Medium, Fast).
If you click the X Button (Open Frame) you get access to the LoopBack Faders.

In your "Light 5 example" i would start with a Scene (set light 5 to full), just because the Speed Dial needs a Function (it does not work on a Slider just like that).
Create a speed Dial for this Function, set Fade In to 1, other values to "not Sent". Depending on how far you want to go, create some Presets (2s, 4s, 5s) or attach a LoopBack fader to it (on the Input tab you can set a range that suits your situation e.g. 2 to 5 secs).
Finaly you can control the level of Light 5 by adding a Fader (in PlayBack Mode on your Scene or as a SubMaster).

It's a different approach from what you are used on your ETC Eos console, but it can be done. :) ;)