QLC PI becoming non-responsive
Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:56 pm
New to QLC+. I have it installed and running on a Raspberry Pi3, and used it at a gig for the first time on Saturday night.
I have my pedalboard (Line 6 HX Effects) sending midi into the pi to trigger the virtual console.
It was all running fine, then partway through the gig - stopped responding. I went to the web interface from my Mac, and that wasn't responding either. I rebooted the pi (I added a PSU with a switch to reboot, so a bit of a blunt was to do it), and it ran for another hour, then froze again. Again rebooted.
Now im not at the gig, I want to have the system running and hopefully diagnose what is going wrong - but dont really know where to start.
I have had the pi running for a couple of hours.... and its frozen again. If I go to the web interface (after freeze - was working when I started the pi) it says 'Can't reach the server', however I can ping and ssh onto the pi in this state.
Could you please give me any advise on how to diagnose, and I guess the first question is - where are the logs on the Pi
All I have been able to see so far (and only know the basics of unix) is using systemctl list-units --type=service the entry for qlcplus.service had state Loaded : Active : Exited -> Does this mean that it has crashed?
When I reboot the pi, it has the status Loaded : Active : Running
BTW - apart from the crashes - totally loving QLC+ !!!!
Kind regards
New to QLC+. I have it installed and running on a Raspberry Pi3, and used it at a gig for the first time on Saturday night.
I have my pedalboard (Line 6 HX Effects) sending midi into the pi to trigger the virtual console.
It was all running fine, then partway through the gig - stopped responding. I went to the web interface from my Mac, and that wasn't responding either. I rebooted the pi (I added a PSU with a switch to reboot, so a bit of a blunt was to do it), and it ran for another hour, then froze again. Again rebooted.
Now im not at the gig, I want to have the system running and hopefully diagnose what is going wrong - but dont really know where to start.
I have had the pi running for a couple of hours.... and its frozen again. If I go to the web interface (after freeze - was working when I started the pi) it says 'Can't reach the server', however I can ping and ssh onto the pi in this state.
Could you please give me any advise on how to diagnose, and I guess the first question is - where are the logs on the Pi
All I have been able to see so far (and only know the basics of unix) is using systemctl list-units --type=service the entry for qlcplus.service had state Loaded : Active : Exited -> Does this mean that it has crashed?
When I reboot the pi, it has the status Loaded : Active : Running
BTW - apart from the crashes - totally loving QLC+ !!!!
Kind regards