In v.5 is quite easy to do something similar:
prepare one or more cues for all the lights you want to locate/highlight, with all the parameters needed except the intensity,
drop the cue in the VC and you get the corresponding button.
When the button is active, in 2D you select the heads and rise the intensity. Similar effect as LOCATE in chamsys and quite fast as well (once you've the cue).
You can organise yourself to get all the locate/highlights that you need.
If you're new to qlcplus, watch the video no. 7 and see how Massimo has prepared in advance the Virtual Console.
I think we've to be practical now and focus to complete v.5, it's already a lot for Massimo.
The locate/highlight function it's easy by itself, the problem is that we have to expand all the fixture definitions to include a section with the values for locate and highlight.