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Cue List not updating + no step control

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:17 pm
by giacomo

cue list is not updating, every time I change a note, time or the cue order, I've to go in edit mode (VC), remove the chaser and add the same chaser again to see the updates.
Request: it would be very pleasant to be able to change at least the times and the notes directly in the VC, it would speed up the workflow and make our life easier.

under gnome, in v.4 I can click on a cue and press enter to jump directly to that cue, in v.5 I haven't found a way, for the time being I've to stop the cue list, forward all the steps till I reach the needed cue and finally play it, not very practical during the rehearsals when they jump from one point to another.
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Re: Cue List not updating + no step control

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 7:26 pm
by mcallegari
1 should be mostly ok and 2 is done

Re: Cue List not updating + no step control

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 6:42 am
by sbenejam
Hi Massimo, I'm trying to build my own AppImage on Ubuntu and with Qt 5.15.2 installed with the Qt Maintenace Tool 3D is not working when I switch to 3D view I get this error.

Code: Select all

Enable 3D context... true
Quad material ready
qrc:/3DView.qml:343: ReferenceError: viewSize is not defined
Resetting 3D items...
void MainView3D::initialize3DProperties() Qt3DRender::Scene3DItem_QML_193(0x564162210d80, name="scene3DItem", parent=0x564161579120, geometry=0,0 1782x914.665, z=1)
SceneEntity_QMLTYPE_176(0x564161cfaa70, name = "sceneRootEntity") ScreenQuadEntity_QMLTYPE_190(0x564162eb8200, name = "quadEntity") GBuffer_QMLTYPE_188(0x564162ec00f0, name = "gBuffer")
Refreshing 3D view...
Unable to find renderer plugin for opengl
Avortat (s'ha bolcat la memòria)
With the appimage from test download 3D is working. The Qt5 package version on Ubuntu 22.04 is 5.15.3. Are you using the standard version provided by Ubuntu or a Qt Project download version?

Re: Cue List not updating + no step control

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 10:45 am
by giacomo
good morning,
shal we move these past comments to a new thread?
about the appimage, I've tried to remove v.4 and to run the appimages provided by Massimo I need to install "libfftw3-double3".
with the last appimage I was not having dmx output:
in my sysytem I've libusb and libftdi already, the interface enttec-pro was recognized and cofigured correctly,
I installed back v.4 and everything was working, maybe something related to qt5?
have a good weekend

Re: Cue List not updating + no step control

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 11:23 am
by sbenejam
I made some test last weekend with my 2 NanoKontrol2, TouchOSC controlling same widgets and seems that are working. I want to test more QLC+5 options using the devices I have at hand, midi coontrollers (NanoKontrol2), USB DMX devices and ArtNet DMX this weekend
Maybe to improve the help that we can give to Massimo to find problems with the program it's good to know which versions of Qt he's using to generate the QLC+5 test versions.

Re: Cue List not updating + no step control

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 5:59 pm
by mcallegari
Hi Santiago. I'm still using Qt 5.14.2
What you mentioned is probably missing around these lines: ...
Which is actually included on macOS since 5.15.2 is used there: ... metool.pri
If you add the missing plugin and it works please let me know and I'll add it