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QLC+ Scribble strip support for the Faderport 16!

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:32 pm
by Yestalgia
Hi all,

I've had an absolute blast with QLC+ lately. Take a look at the following picture:
As you can see, I've been able to implement the Presonus Faderport16 scribble strip functionality in QLC+.
I'll be releasing a video about this very soon. Essentially there are 4 things you need to make this work:
  • loopMIDI
    You need to create 5 midi loopbacks so you can use 5 universes to control the "Shutter" red, green and blue channels on the faderport.
  • MidiOX
    To pipe the 5 qlc+ midi output universes into the Faderport.
  • Fixture Definition
    You will need to create 5 fixtures in 5 separate universes using this definition. The first universe will be the "Shutter" for the buttons. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th will represent the red, green and blue channels for the buttons.
    (26.96 KiB) Downloaded 188 times
I'll try to get the video out as soon as I can. I'm sharpening my C++ skills to hopefully implement this natively in a release of QLC+.

This midi controller has been an absolute game-changer for me.
I hope this post and the coming video helps someone make this controller their new command wing.


Re: QLC+ Scribble strip support for the Faderport 16!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 7:17 pm
by sandinak
So I have the bigger CS18 .. didn't know this was possible .. now I really wanna start playing with it :) .. thanks for posting this

Re: QLC+ Scribble strip support for the Faderport 16!

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2022 12:29 am
by Yestalgia
I want to do some documentation on how each manufacturer handles scribble strips.

Might be an awesome point of distinction between QLC+ and the paid stuff.

Let me take a look at the manual for your controller and if you're happy to work with me, I would be keen to try and get something working.

Perhaps a GUI for the Midi profile creator?


Re: QLC+ Scribble strip support for the Faderport 16!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:12 am
by joaoopereira
Hi @Yestalgia,

What you have on the "little" screens of the faderport is the fader title on the virtual console?

Re: QLC+ Scribble strip support for the Faderport 16!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2023 9:15 pm
by Yestalgia
Hi Joaoopereira,

Yes, I have set them to the fader text at the moment.

Still trying to filter through QT code to see if I could support making this feature work natively.

It's actually really helpful because each project I just load a different profile. Then the scribble strips change.