qlc+5 test version 210822 - gnome 42.4.
. play the first cue;
. play the 2nd cue and pause it (eg. during half transition);
. push the next-cue till you reach the cue no. 4;
NB. the output is still in the middle between cue 1 and 2
. unpause the cue list and let end the transition;
. cue list shows that you're in cue 4 but in reality you're in cue 2;
. the next time you press next-cue the selection jumps to cue 3 instead of cue 5 (the transition is correct from cue 2 to cue 3).
Usually when you pause a cue and you select a different one, exiting the pause should do a fade to the new selected one (with the new times).
As a simple alternative, we could also decide that when we're in pause in qlc+5 the cue list doesn't scroll to a different cue (anyway this is the actual behavior not showed).
Extra caveat: the cue list shows the active cue at the last line of the visible list (in this example cue 4 or 5),
it would be better if the active cue is showed at the beginning of the list, or in the middle, so one can read what follows.