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random red flashes
Posted: Sat May 28, 2022 12:24 pm
by Jules
Hello There good People!
(I am not sure but maybe this should have been posted in the Issues Thread
sorry about that)
I am fairly new to the DMX and QLC+ world but i managed with couple of videos to link my Ableton via the IAC Driver to QLC+ and run my lights through the midi envelopes, giving me full control over the DMX Values. I wanted to create my own virtual Console and maybe did too much work, but it works at the end, since i have it on a UI that suits me. The linkage works fine and i set up 3 pars and 2 giga bars. The problem is that i get random Red Flashes on my giga bars (as seen here: The problem only occurs on the 2 Giga Bars but not on the Par's, these work just fine.
My Systems are as follows:
QLC+ : 4.12.5 GIT
Ableton : 11.1.5
Mac OS : 12.4 (Monterey)
DMX USB Interface: eurolite USB-DMX512 Pro Interface MK2
Fixture varytec giga bar hex 3.
Can somebody tell me why these red flashes appear?
Cheers Jules
PS: I attach the QLC+ file aswell so you can go through my settings. And if you wanna use it for your own sake, feel free.
Re: random red flashes
Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 10:59 am
by GGGss
This one is very hard to debug because you need a copy of your full setup.
(There are NO clues defined in your show file, hence I cannot look at what's going on)
(If you upload a project file please include your custom created fixtures inside the zip-file)
The red flashes can be a result of a hardware fault (a DMX recorder or debugger is a costly instrument)
-> I would create some scenes and functions in QLC+ to verify if they show the same behaviour...
or there are bogus midi signals coming in (a MIDI recorder should tell you if there are signals which do not fit the purpose.)
[edit: the red light you see when you change from white scene to blue scene should not be there]
Re: random red flashes
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 7:07 pm
by Jules
Hi GGGss Thank you very much for your answer and sorry for the belated reply.
What do you mean by there are no clues defined?
I attached the Fixture File (I already redid the fixtures after i recognized this error, thus the name NEW. Both old and NEW give me the same issue)
So this would mean a hardware fault in the Interface if i get it right? In my opinion its not the Hardware of the Light as both Giga Bars have the same red flashes simultaneously. And the Flashes also happen when there is no midi clip being launched from Ableton. Thus meaning it probably must sit in the information that is sent from the interface to the Fixtures? If there is no issue with the fixture, i will contact Thomann and ask them to check the hardware.
Thank you in advance anyways!
I know this is a very specific problem and might really not have anything to do with QLC+
Re: random red flashes
Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2022 8:56 am
by edogawa
What do you mean by there are no clues defined?
I suppose it's a typo and he meant "no cues defined", your fader movement comes from Ableton and not from within the program.
The point is, there's no way for us to debug this - we don't have the means to make the faders move like in your setup, and we use different DMX interfaces.
You could try and set up scenes and a chaser with infinite hold and 1-2s fade time between the scenes, put that in a VC cuelist,, and see if the red flashes still occur if you fade from one scene to the next via "Next cue" button.
I don't know that Eurolite interface, but looking at
this forum thread it seems to not play so well with QLC+ on Windows, even after the proposed protocol change mentioned
here .
Re: random red flashes
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 9:04 am
by Jules
alright thank you very much!
So I will be trying out the Scenes, but it really seems to be a hardware problem.
What Interface could you suggest? Or what interface do reference if you say "We use different DMX Interfaces"?
Really appreciate your help folks
Re: random red flashes
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 6:58 pm
by edogawa
I've been using ENTTEC DMXUSB Pro Mk2 and ENTTEC ODE interfaces so far, with great results. Rather expensive, but reliable and sturdy, except for the Micro USB port on the Pro, which separated from the PCB once when the box fell from the table. SMD soldered, not easy to fix.
No experience with others, sorry.
Re: random red flashes
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 7:37 am
by Jules
ok. Thank you very much! I see that this is a 5-pin though. Is there any problem if im using an adapter from 5 pin to 3 pin? Because all my fixtures are 3 pin..
Re: random red flashes
Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:26 pm
by edogawa ... pol_mw.htm
Not a problem at all. the pinout is defined by standard, DMX traditionally used 5-pin connectors with only 3 pins connected, since 20 years or so 3-pin became more common, and professional gear often supplies both, these days.
I'm using similar 5->3 and 3->5 adapters just for that and also have soldered my own short adapter cables in both directions.