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Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:50 am
by beaker
I have (with help from this forum) created scenes and I have them triggered by an external midi sequencer. I would like to finish the automated sequence with an effect triggered on QLC+ that signals the end of the show but I do not have the terminology to know what to look up.
I would like to try having the light move from 1 fixture to the next and slowing down. what is this called and what do I need to research/learn about?
I would also like to try all of the fixtures pulsate and fade, what is this called and what do I need to explore?
I'm not a lighting engineer and I could really do with a few pointers to get me going.
I can freeze the external midi sequence but have not yet sequenced anything within QLC+
I have attached the file of where I am so far.
transition bench test v2.qxw
(18.92 KiB) Downloaded 92 times
Here's a clip of the instalation I have created.


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:14 pm
by edogawa
I would like to try having the light move from 1 fixture to the next and slowing down. what is this called and what do I need to research/learn about?
In lighting this usually is called a Chaser. A Chaser usually consists of a series of steps for a range of fixtures, with attributes like fade in, fade out, hold time.
QLC+ has a pretty elaborated kind of chaser that can be used for many different things, from rythmic patterns to manually triggered theater cuelists.
A step can hold any existing QLC+ function. In the chaser editor, you define the attributes, timing etc., and later in VC you can use a button or a cuelist widget to trigger it, and remote control this via MIDI again like you did in your file.

For a chaser to continuously slow down a steady common step duration:- in VC you can control timing of a chaser via Speed Dial widget, and again remote control this from your MIDI sequencer.

QLC+ also has Sequences, which are a similar concept for a fixed group of fixtures - steps can alter color intensities for all contained fixtures, but you cannot introduce a new fixture for one step alone.

Another option is QLC+'s RGB Matrix, which also works on fixture groups - you set up a fixture group to work from, in a geometrical pattern/grid, and the Matrix generates Effects like colour gradient changes, blinking or filling up rows of lights, random flickering and many more from a supplied library of scripts. You can use this Matrix from VC widgets again, the Animation widget lets you set certain aspects to alter the preprogrammed look (start/end colors etc.) at playback. You also can export the Matrix to a Sequence and continue working on that, for detailed control on individual fixture channels.

Also look at the Show feature/tab in QLC+, you can program complex timed events there similar to a Audio/MIDI sequencer timeline, and trigger these shows from VC widgets again.
I would also like to try all of the fixtures pulsate and fade, what is this called and what do I need to explore?
A pulsing light is called Strobe (stroboscope) and historically is built from a strong discharge light source that gets triggered periodically and flashes for a fraction of a second, and you can control intensity and timing of the triggers. Nowadays LED lights can simulate this quite well, and most fixtures come with a Strobe channel. What you cannot achieve this way: fade out to black after each flash. I seem to remember a thread in this forum addressing this (simulating the after-glow of incandescent lights when switched off in 0 time) and coming up with a solution.
I can freeze the external midi sequence but have not yet sequenced anything within QLC+
I have attached the file of where I am so far.
Well I hope the terminology and pointers I gave will help you find the bits in the manual and proceed with your installation. You can achieve pretty everything you can imagine, but the route to get there isn't always obvious or easy.

Good luck!


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:29 pm
by beaker
Wow, that's lots to digest and very comprehensive. Thank you so much for your time. I shall get to it!


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:38 pm
by joshhmccauley
There are a lot of good example workspaces on these forums as well. That, if you understand the various functions of QLC+, will show you examples of ways to achieve what your looking to program.

Search the forums for keywords, ie "workspace", "chaser", etc.. and browse through posts for example projects.


Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:14 am
by GGGss
An end of song or show also is called a fly-out but I don't think you will find this expression on this forum.

Basically, you overrule running functions and your movers do a symmetrical sweep to the ceiling (and back) or other variations.