A/B Faders in the VC

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if this was posted and/or answered elsewhere, i apologize. i searched but didnt see an answer.

so i would like to have an A/B fader, such as you would see on a midi controller. however i would like this fader to go fade between the intensity levels of two different groups of lights. i imagine having a set of lights on stage-left and stage-right. with the A/B fader in the middle, both left and right would be at their "full" intensity (which should be sub-masterable). with the fader on full A, one side (lets say left) would be full intensity, and the other side (lets say right) would be 0% intensity. with the fader on full B, it would be the opposite.

is this something QLC can do?
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isn't this the crossfade feature of VC Cue list?
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