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Raspi 4B with zihatec RS485 interface and LED PAR 86

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 2:35 pm
by Bernd54Albrecht
QLCplus on Raspberry Pi 4B with zihatec RS485 interface and LED Mini PAR Light 86
Tried both approaches: Download Raspi-Image qlcplus_raspios_buster_20210627 and install qlcplus_4.12.4_armhf.deb on a running OS Buster.
The good news: both ways led to a running system with Simple Desk. However, …
Image: Took some time to find the button for the Design modus to leave the GUI and login as pi to do the necessary changes to raspi-config (expand file system, WLAN, activate UART), /etc/init.d/qlcplus (GPIO18) and /boot/config.txt (no BT).
Back in the GUI, I could even see the movements of the sliders conducted in the web interface on the PC and Smartphone. All 6 channels worked as expected, excellent.
However, I could not define a new fixture (my PAR 86 with 6 channels was not in the list) and consequently could not use the other functionality.
Installation of deb-file: Could not wget the file (yes, I replaced x.y.z with 4.12.4), but could download the file to my PC after my login. Transferred the file to the Raspi with WinSCP and ran the setup as described. Obviously, more libs were necessary. The system proposed “sudo apt –fix-broken install”. After this, the new attempt of installation went fine and I have both Q Light Controller Plus and QLC+ Fixture Editor.
However, the Simple desk runs either on the Raspi or the PC. No replication of the slider movements, and I even do not know, how to switch between the one or the other. Mostly, the PC takes control of the UART DMX Interface upon startup.
Finally: Could not integrate the self-defined fixture of my Latta Alvor Mini PAR Light 86 to the other µSD card with the .img file.

Re: Raspi 4B with zihatec RS485 interface and LED PAR 86

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 6:42 pm
by mcallegari
Hello to you,
I think you need to read more carefully the documentation.
Paragraph 5.2 how to close the UI.
Best practice is via SSH though.
Load custom fixtures is performed via web, as explained in the PDF.
DEB file can be downloaded from reserved area and uploaded via SSH (scp)