Help Needed for programming

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Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:56 pm
Real Name: Dirk Rehlinghaus

Hello everyone,

I need a few suggestions for programming:

1.-> I would like to program a slider:
If the slider is on 0%, device 1 should have the DMX value 0, and device 2 should have the value 55.
If the slider is at 100%, device 1 should have the value 255 and device 2 180.

2. -> Another slider should output different DMX values for different values. The values should be changed evenly between the min / max. For example:

Code: Select all

Slider Value		DMX Channel	DMX Value

    1%			    1		    0	
			    2		    20
    40%			    2		    80

    41%			    2		    0	(Channel 2 off)
			    3		    40	(Channel 3 on)
    100%		    1		    255
			    3		    200
3. -> I have programmed some chasers. Each chaser should first reset all devices and active chasers within the frame, before it starts the selected chaser in endless mode.

I hope I have expressed myself clearly and I look forward to your feedback

Greetz Dirk
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Make a frame with 3 sliders for your 3 fixtures in level mode.
(hide / minimize the frame)

1) Create 2 dimmer channels in a loopback universe.
use the channel modifier for channel 2. ... rties.html
Create your own channel modifier: 0 input = 55 output; 255 input = 180 output. (or by a step or through dimming)
Add a slider in level control controlling those 2 loopback channels. With 1 slider, you control 2 channels now (and through the channel modifier, you will notice the altered behavior)
In the hidden frame, use the loopback channels as input for the real fixture sliders. #external input.

2) use the same trick for the 3 channels in question. 3 loopback channels, channel modifiers, ...

3) solo frame with a 'reset' button; 1st step in your chaser is, again, a 255 value for another loopback channel. The reset button listens to this loopback input. Behind this reset-button, a scene with all values set to default. It might be necessary to change to LTP behavior before things start working here... normal operation is HTP (Highest values Takes Precedence or Priority)
All chasers should be controlled by this loopback input. Depending on the complexity, it might need some more loopback magic.

Have fun
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:56 pm
Real Name: Dirk Rehlinghaus

Hello GGGss,

i don't quite understand the system yet. Could you maybe create a sample file and send it to me?
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Real Name: Fredje Gallon

Sorry, my time is sparse at the moment.
Search this forum for loopback methodology. I have posted quite some projects using loopback channels.
Not quite the same but shows you what system is behind it, this example project.
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All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Jul 01, 2020 5:56 pm
Real Name: Dirk Rehlinghaus

thanks for the support. somehow it worked ...
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