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Import JPEG/PNG on virtual console with raspberry

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:35 pm
by ada2000
Hello ,

is it possible to import JPEG /PNG on the virtual console on raspberry ?

I try with

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install usbmount
but my usb storage don't mount
E: Failed to fetch ... p/pmount/p

Can you help me please

Re: Import JPEG/PNG on virtual console with raspberry

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:57 am
by edogawa
Some more context would help: Massimo's image or plain Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS?

Anyways, that link seems broken, but if you remove the trailing "/p", it gives a directory listing.
I don't know enough about Debian's repo organization to explain what's wrong here...

Raspberry Pi OS should be able to mount USB sticks, I use several variants of it (stock RPi OS, Patchbox OS, etc.) and all can do that

On QLC image, it may be easier to use ssh/scp and transfer your image from a PC. See the QLC+_RaspberryPi_Buster_Guide, chapter 5.3
Or put the SD card in your main PC and copy the image over to somewhere in the RPi's user folder.