Re-triggering a function once one is complete

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First time user of QLC+, although I've been aware of it for years. I come from theatrical/arena touring using desks like Onyx, Hog4, GrandMA2, etc (pun intended).

I've just done a lighting install at a bar where the owner wants a "look" for specific cocktails when they're served. The question: When I trigger Sequence 2 (for a drink), Scene 1 (the house look) releases, but when the Look 2 sequence has ran and ends, I can't get it to re-trigger Scene 1. What's the syntax that I'm missing to make this work?

All of my operation for the bar-staff is run through an Akai LPD8 so they just have to hit a pad. I'm hoping to get it down to just one button press per effect. Eventually there will be audio added to the mix, which is going to complicate matters further, I'm sure.
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Can you post your QLC+ project file?.
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The trick you'll have to find out is how to self-reset or self-rearm a function.
In the past, I produced a project doing more or less the same.

A solo frame with all effect chasers inside (including reset button = empty scene or house scene).
In the effect chasers, the last step is a scene, where you set a 255 value to a channel of a dimmer fixture in the loopback universe.
You bind the loopback channel as input to the reset button of the solo frame.

Cocktail-action => effect chaser starts running => end = reset button press through loopback.
(setting and resetting houselights will impose some problems, but you can apply the same trick to them. Default button inside another solo frame controls house lights. When Cocktail effects are running, the houselight scene is temporarily suspended so to say...)
It will need some study work and built-in magic to make everything work as such. 1st step inside the effect chaser will suspend houselights, effects will run, last step will be reset effect. Where and how to reset house lights again could be done by the 'empty' reset effects scene).

PS: IMHO running the audio also with every cocktail-action will very soon become very annoying ... believe me. I would restrict this to f.i. the weekly special only. My 2cts.
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GGGss wrote: Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:06 am The trick you'll have to find out is how to self-reset or self-rearm a function.
In the past, I produced a project doing more or less the same.

A solo frame with all effect chasers inside (including reset button = empty scene or house scene).
In the effect chasers, the last step is a scene, where you set a 255 value to a channel of a dimmer fixture in the loopback universe.
You bind the loopback channel as input to the reset button of the solo frame.

Cocktail-action => effect chaser starts running => end = reset button press through loopback.
(setting and resetting houselights will impose some problems, but you can apply the same trick to them. Default button inside another solo frame controls house lights. When Cocktail effects are running, the houselight scene is temporarily suspended so to say...)
It will need some study work and built-in magic to make everything work as such. 1st step inside the effect chaser will suspend houselights, effects will run, last step will be reset effect. Where and how to reset house lights again could be done by the 'empty' reset effects scene).

PS: IMHO running the audio also with every cocktail-action will very soon become very annoying ... believe me. I would restrict this to f.i. the weekly special only. My 2cts.
Thank you. That's more or less the info I was looking for. I just couldn't figure out the steps.

As far as the audio with cocktail action, it's only on 3 drinks - one of which requires a minimum of 5 to even order it, so they're not cocktails that are being ordered every 5 minutes. And if I'm not mistaken, the idea was actually that of the staff that has to listen to it constantly. We are owned by a small group with 4 bars and a restaurant and I work at a different location. lol
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