Flash function with different intensity levels

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another question:

I have LEDs with RGB und dimmer channel. I want a button to flash these LEDs in different colors. So I made a scene for each color and a scene for dimmer value 100%. In the virtual console, I have different buttons to set the color (works) and a button (flash) for the dimmer value. This works, the LEDs are flashing with 100% dimmer value. But I want to flash them with different dimmer values. So I made different scenes (10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%). But now I need for each dimmer value a different button... Is it possible to do this with one flash-button? So I want 3 steps for flashing:
1. Set the color
2. Set the dimmer value
3. Fire the flash
I want to connect one external Midi source to the flash-button (Bassdrum), but I want to set up and change the itensity of the flashing light.
Play straigt quarters with the Bass drum. 8 bars 10% dimmer value for the flash.
Next 8 bars 25% dimmer value.
And so on...
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Posts: 194
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 5:40 pm
Location: Yorktown, VA
Real Name: Branson Matheson

This one is harder .. but Frames to the rescue again, and "Submaster" https://www.qlcplus.org/docs/html_en_EN/vcslider.html
  1. Create a Solo Frame = https://www.qlcplus.org/docs/html_en_EN ... frame.html
  2. Create a button matrix in the frame for the colors you want https://www.qlcplus.org/docs/html_en_EN ... trix.html
  3. Place a slider in the frame
    Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 08.45.46.png
  4. Edit the slider and place in "SubMaster Mode"
    Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 08.45.31.png
  5. Assign the slider to your "dimmer Value"
  6. In Playback mode .. the slider will function as intensity for the group, and you can then select the color
Some other hints:
  • You can put solo frames inside an encompassing "standard" frame to apply submaster to groups of things ( I've done this quite a lot )
  • If you have to use buttons to set the values of the intensity .. here are a few ideas:
    • use a loopback to set the value for the dimmer and assign buttons that define the DMX values
    • use frame "pages" that have the predefined intensity scenes, and activate them using external input
  • use a chase with the scenes and trigger using your bass midi input ( can put chase in frame to enable/disable )
QLC+ has a TIMTOWTDI philosophy .. so please experiment and TEST TEST TEST to find what works for you ;)
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