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Starting scenes on Startup and on Schedule

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 5:56 am
by qlc4install
Hi everyone,
I'm using QLC+ in a venue to enable the employes to adjust the lighting. They have a raspi webkiosk accessing the webgui.

At the moment I'm running qlc+ on Windows, but i plan to move to ubuntu or debian.

Anyway if the host has to be restarted and every morning the show shall be reloaded and the standard scenes should be started to have a defined startingpoint every day

I managed to load the show on startup by parameters, but the venue stays dark until I start some Scenes.

Is there a way to start some scenes like autorun on qlc+ startup?

How can I reload the show by schedule or how to close qlc+ without user interaction to start it by external schedule again?

Thanks for your help

Re: Starting scenes on Startup and on Schedule

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 10:05 am
by mcallegari
I managed to load the show on startup by parameters, but the venue stays dark until I start some Scenes.
Is there a way to start some scenes like autorun on qlc+ startup?
A Virtual Console slider remembers its value when you save a project. So if you assign it to some channel or some funcion and you go to operate mode on project load, it should light up/start what you want
How can I reload the show by schedule or how to close qlc+ without user interaction to start it by external schedule again?
I guess you should ask this to Google. Maybe there's a tool for Windows to do that