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X11 Forwarding

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 8:56 pm
by Archer60x
I am new to QLC. I am using a Raspberry Pi4.

When i boot the raspberry pi i can only seem to see the main program over the HDMI signal.

Is there a way to use X11 forwarding over SSH instead of plugging in an HDMI monitor?

The website just shows these functions:

Re: X11 Forwarding

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:18 pm
by lighthacker2020
You will need to have some kind of X server running on the Pi to provide the graphical context for QLC+ to draw to. Something like the 'xvfb' package should work, or you could possibly get X11 and the capability to access via VNC using a package like 'tightvncserver'



Re: X11 Forwarding

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:08 pm
by jraatikainen
You have to "hardcode" resolution. If pi start and no display connected then using lowes resolution by default (640×480).

I think that you can find some help from here.

I think that I did have same issue in Pi 3 and no hdmi connected when booting.