A new ShowManager

Request a feature that you would like to see in QLC+.
Explain in details why you would need it and which is your usage case.
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Joined: Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:54 am
Real Name: Nacho Anrubia

Greetings to the QLC + community

Congratulations to Massimo and Eric for the impressive results achieved with QLC 5 !! The new interface surprises with its modern design and the 3D simulation is simply brutal. :)

I am convinced that QLC + will very soon become the most important software for lighting programming. Because of its power, ease of use, versatility and above all because it houses the functionality that ShowManager represents.

ShowManager is - without exaggeration - the functionality that makes the difference with the rest of the programs that exist today to control lighting.

It is necessary for ShowManager to stop being the "Paint", to become the Gimp or Photoshop that every professional needs.

After having checked the operation (on win7 and Linux) of the ShowManager in QLC + 4 and the improvements implemented in QLC5 +, I am happy and full of hope.


The ShowManager grid should be more interactive. It should allow - for example - the insertion of BMP (tempo) changes as well as bar changes, at any point in the timeline.

We would also add a Metronome Track.

The added function in QLC + 5 that allows you to stretch or collapse the existing functions in the Showmanager tracks, is extraordinary! Still, you need to expand and have control over what will happen to the feature when you stretch or collapse it.
In other words: Suppose we have a track with a scene-function at the beginning, which lasts 5 seconds. Now in QLC5 +, if we stretch the function-scene on the timeline to 20 seconds, the function-scene repeats in time 4 times. It would also be perfect to have control and the ability to choose that, when stretching the scene-function from 5 to 20 seconds, the scene would be modified in duration, so that it would not repeat 4 times, but simply slowed down.

Possibility of inserting FADE IN and FADE OUT in the functions. (This function has already been proposed in the forum by Jens, along with other very good ideas)

In QLC5 + Must to recall the display of the audio wave.

Add preview frames on video tracks.

Implement the acceptance of more audio and video formats. For example, multichannel audio. Wav files can contain up to 6 channels nested in a single file. (stereo L, stereo R, surround L, surround R, Center and Sub). QLC + 4 recognizes them but is still unable to reproduce or display them.

This is easy to say, but it involves opening a melon full of questions and problems to solve. :ugeek:
The timeline of the ShowManager is the backbone where to order all the work that is done in the program, where to put exactly all the programming made in QLC +.
For this reason, the timeline must be configurable at the highest level. Similar to a DAW (imagine LMMS, pro-tools, logic, cubase ...) multitrack programs that allow you to create / add audio tracks (stereo, 5.1, mono), video tracks, midi tracks, VST tracks (virtual instrument) and in the In the case of QLC + 6 :D , DMX tracks, and all these tracks running on the same timeline that we can modify every second, or every measure, influencing (or not) the content of each track. It's time to think of a new ShowManager that will make QLC + the most comprehensive lighting design program that has ever existed.

What do you say? I'm dreaming?
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The best implementation of this I've seen is http://www.visualsorcery.com/index.php/ ... ightforge/ which is incredibly user friendly for anyone who's used to video editing software. This is especially apparent when programming shows to prerecorded music (e.g. fashion shows, live events with click tracks etc...). It's definitely worth a look for inspiration.
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