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Stop a scene by selecting another

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 7:03 pm
by Tobias95
Hello everybody,

I have a little problem with QLC.

Briefly about the setup: I have 4 RGBW LED bars that are directed towards the audience. For this I’ve created a color picker on the virtual console so that I can simply call up any color as a scene at the push of a button. To realise that the buttons are located in a solo frame. Above it is a normal frame in which basic lights are programmed. For example the “Audience” scene. This scene also refers to the RGBW bars. The picture shows my virtual console.

So far so good. Now my problem. For example, if the scene "Bars red" is running and I select the scene "Audience", both scenes run at the same time. How do I get it that one is automatically stopped when dialing the other? Conversely, it should be exactly the same. I've also tried scripts, but haven't had any success. What would you advise me?

On this basis, I would like to do this with different groups of lamps (moving heads, floodlights, etc.). In short, I would like to know how I can automatically turn off a running scene by pressing another. What could be the solution for me?

Many thanks for your help

Re: Stop a scene by selecting another

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 10:42 am
by GGGss
In your color-solo frame create an extra button called 'stop'.
Create a channel in a loopback universe.
In your audience-scene set a value to this loopback channel.
Bind the loopback channel as input for the 'stop' button.

Now when you select the audience-scene, through the loopback mechanism, the stop-button is pressed, and all color functions are stopped.
(You will have to figure out how to reset the value from the loopback channel dough...)