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Using QLC+ on Pi and merge ArtNet data

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 3:51 pm
by iFransL
I am trying to receive ArtNet data with QLC+ and merge this with the DMX data generated by QLC+ running on a different computer.
It looks this is possible but he doesn't receive or transmit data send over the Artnet controller.
How should I configure this on the Pi and the computer?

Has somebody already done this?

Hope someone can help me.

Re: Using QLC+ on Pi and merge ArtNet data

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:21 pm
by alanle
Hi Ifranel,

You need to enable Arnet input on your RPI (the one with the correct IP address) and enable PASSTROUGH checkbox.

In the computer you want to use to control RPI, enable Arnet Ouput.

This may work.