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assign midi faders to simple desk playbacks

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:17 am
by crisostomo
Hello. I am new and apprentice to QLC+

For my small project QLC simple desk is ideal and enough.
Unfortunately I can't find a way to assign the midi faders of Korg NanoKontrol 2 to the simple desk playback faders.
Can you eventually help??

Re: assign midi faders to simple desk playbacks

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 8:05 am
by edogawa
You'll have to accept that this simply isn't possible.

MIDI control works on Virtual Console widgets only, and only while in "Operate" (playback) mode (when the upper right corner icon shows a red square, not the green triangle).

It may take a bit of planning, and is a bit time-consuming to set up (and also later adjust) a VC with fader/knob banks and associate each element with a corresponding physical controller, but if your project is small, it's not too much work I would say. I have done that quite often for setups with up to more than 100 dimmer channels and a varying set of moving lights, LED PARs or strips etc. I'd save such a workspace as a kind of basic template for a venue/location with a set of channels and fixtures that basically stays the same (I get to work at many different places like rehearsal rooms, theaters, factory halls and so on) and build my actual show files on top of that. Often enough I build the show file from scratch.

The virtual console even features a wizard that can speed up this work and auto-generate a set of controls for you (colour presets, animation chases and corresponding VC widgets, for "intelligent" multi channel fixtures). Binding the MIDI controllers to widgets is a bit painful and takes time in my experience because, you have to open the properties dialog and go through the learn routine for each widget.

So it helps to plan ahead and know what you can do with each widget, e.g. a fader can play back a single or a group of dmx channels in level mode, a function (e.g. a scene, collection etc.) or act as submaster... it even is able to show an additional colour picker and let you seamlessly choose from a fxture's RGB channels, and "catch" the controlled channel similar to how a simple desk fader works. OTOH a button can only playback functions, a cuelist only chasers, and so on...

Hope that helps even if it's not the answer you have waited for.

Re: assign midi faders to simple desk playbacks

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:44 am
by crisostomo
Thanks for the response!
Actually the small project is of an actor friend who wants to do simple lights control on stage and has no budget.
It would have been too nice if it was so simple...
So I will create some submasters and eventually a cue list.

Re: assign midi faders to simple desk playbacks

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 6:55 am
by mcallegari
Playback sliders in simple desk are basically equivalent to Virtual console Sliders in playback mode controlling Scene functions.

In fact, I'd most likely won't add playback sliders in simple desk in QLC+ 5.