Sub Cue's in a Chase
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:00 pm
Right now .. I use a "chase" as a cue list for a show. I set the cue's to specific times or infinity and step thru using a "Next" Button. I have played with having a sub-chase as a cue in a chase .. which allows me to have unique "cue's" within a general cue (collection) .. tho I have to use a different button to move thru them and some PFM using loopback to "Activate" them. I also use "Collections" to assemble different aspects for fixtures and groups to create a scene. I havn't figured out a way to have different timings per individual "scenes". I was playing with some other software and noted they have an idea of "sub cue's" with individual timings .. where a "master" cue has timings that are either inherited by sub cue's .. or the subcue's have their own timings. So something like:
- Step: 01.01 - Setup ∞
- 01.01.01 Collection Setup ( All neutral and blue/white )
- Step: 01.02 - Song start ∞ - ∞ -
- 01.02.01 - Scene: P - Red 2.0s ∞ - ∞
- 01.02.02 - Scene: PS - Blue 3.0s ∞ - ∞
- Step: 01.02.03 - Vocal Start ∞
- 01.03.01 - Scene Spots - W 3.0s ∞ - ∞