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Full Window Manager - OpenBox + lightdm + pcmafm Pi4 b 4Gig

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:28 pm
by BillDoE
I was having screen tearing problems running this on a full raspbian buster img so I tried,
Raspbian lite + openbox + lightdm + pcmanfm.
Pi 4b 4Gig ram.
Seems to run smooth as hot butter with full a window manager and Fixture Monitor. Sweet!

Hope you stay well Massimo!

Re: Full Window Manager - OpenBox + lightdm + pcmafm Pi4 b 4Gig

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 1:25 am
by BillDoE
After more experimenting I have found that the compositor is causing the screen tearing and slows down qlc quite a bit.
Compositor does vsync and other windows effects like shadows and transparency.

On Raspbian Buster I disabled the Compositor in raspi-config > Advanced Options > A9 Compositor
Windows look flat and boring but the screen tearing in qlc is gone.
Same with Openbox. As soon as I installed the compton Compositor the slowdown and screen teraing began.

RPi4b 4GB
QLC 4.12.3 GIT

Re: Full Window Manager - OpenBox + lightdm + pcmafm Pi4 b 4Gig

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:28 am
by Markiarom
Hi! Sorry for bumping a old thread but I'm also interested in running X on Massimo's img. Can you explain me in detail what have you achieved and how did you succesfully run a display server on his distro?

Re: Full Window Manager - OpenBox + lightdm + pcmafm Pi4 b 4Gig

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 7:35 am
by mcallegari
I think it's easier to download a vanilla RaspiOS image with X and install the QLC+ deb package I provide