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use command system

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 2:40 pm
by thibaultphil
under windows 10 QLC 4.12.2, I launch a script "lect" which broadcasts a jpg by VLC. I then run launch a script "kill" that kills the VLC task.
The broadcasting of the VLC jpg is ok. the kill script does not stop the VLC task but in DOS command it works.

content of the kill file:
taskkill / f / im vlc.exe

I created the shortcut executed as an administrator

Thank you for your help

Re: use command system

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:17 pm
by mcallegari
I am wondering why people here think VLC is the proper application to display pictures.
VLC is a VIDEO player.

In any case I think the best OS to do a picture slideshow is Linux. Not Windows. Not macOS.
Searching the forum might give results, as IIRC someone did this before...with Linux.

Otherwise, use QLC+ 5 alpha. It has native picture rendering.

Re: use command system

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 8:44 am
by thibaultphil
The use of VLC was for the example. I want to check the system command function in a script to finally use DOS commands allowing the ON / OFF position of a video projector.