Polish translation

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Real Name: Mateusz Kędzierski

I started my attempt to translate QLC+ 5 to polish language. Any tips how to do it as good as it can be? Of course I'm using Qt Linguist as it is stated on GitHub.

Will there be any problem if the translation is "loose"? Because sometimes straight translation makes no sense and I would like to make it as understandable as possible.
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Hi, thanks for your effort.
Of course I don't speak the Polish language, so I can't judge if your translation is good or not.
Only the community (other Polish people) can tell.
So please proceed
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Hey, I've got a few questions. Maybe you could help me a bit ;)

Can you write a short tutorial how to build the program to test my work? It would be easier to check the use of translated phrases.
Also, sometimes i try to find the english phrases in the program but i can't manage to locate some of them. Do you have an idea how to find phrases that i want to translate but don't know their actual use?

Thank you :)
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I think you can find everything here:
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Thanks for the link, I'll try to manage wih that ;)
Is it necessary to install all the components of Qt or can i choose kinda "minimal" set of them? Which of them are obligatory to run QLC+ 5?

[EDIT] Okay, I got the Qt Creator, but seem to need some debugger. Should I check the "Qt Creator CDB Debugger Support" or install the debugger manually?

[EDIT2] I think i won't manage to do it, I had only a little experience with programming (about 4 years of C/C++ in the simplest form). Will it be okay if I create the .TS file and send it to you? Would you be able to build it for me and give me for some tests?
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On Windows, you don't need to install the official Qt version.
Just follow the instructions here
https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/w ... -Build-Qt5
and here
https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/w ... uild-HOWTO

Once you're setup, you can use the lupdate/lrelease tools to manipulate .ts files and generate a .qm file.
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Alright, I have pushed some new files in the "polish" branch.
For your convenience, here's also the .ts file that you can edit with Qt Linguist
It's 843 strings to translate
(11.16 KiB) Downloaded 72 times
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Thanks so much for making things easier! I've already translated the whole TS file, but still trying hard to build QLC. I get an error that I don't have Vulkan and something with Windows SDK. I'll try to keep closer to your tutorials, because I had MSYS and git repository on second drive. So now i'll try to move everything to C:\ as you suggested in the instructions.

In the meantime, I can already give you the TS file so you can use it, and in a while I should be able to test the thing myself :)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v59NZ ... 8sjGCt16-Q

Edit: I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't run "qmake" like if there was no command like this. When I type "make", it tells that can't find anything to make. I think I'm just too stupid or made a mistake somewhere.
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Hi Mateusz, thanks a lot for your contribution and sorry for the delay.
I have just merged the Polish language into QLC+ 5!

I'm gonna try to build a Windows test version so that you can check if everything is OK

[EDIT] test version for Windows uploaded. Link here.
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