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Catalina and 4.12

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:02 pm
by Akstrat61
I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro and QLC+ to 4.12. Went through and created a new show that I will be doing for Valentines. Worked on it off and on over the weekend. Last night I was using the Monitor and my laptop froze solid. I had to do a total restart. Althjough it has only happened once thus far, I'm a bit nervous about a show coming up in two weeks. Anyone in this situation or any issues with 4.12 and Calalina I should know about? Thanks in advance.

Re: Catalina and 4.12

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:03 pm
by GGGss
When deadlining - never change a winning team

Laptop froze solid because of?
* Qt-implementation & Catalina?
* Latest QLC+ and Catalina?
* other hardware involved which could cause troubles?

Can you revert?

Re: Catalina and 4.12

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 1:07 pm
by Akstrat61
I've been doing a lot of programming and it seemed that when this happens, it is when I am using the Monitor. Sometimes it just closes the application, just the one time did it freeze my MacBook Pro. I have learned to save often! Never seems to happen unless the Monitor is active? My observation.