How do I order RGB matrix pixels?

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Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:12 am
Real Name: Oliver Keller

When creating RGB matrices, QLC+ refers to fixture groups. You can change the order of the fixtures within the group by the way you are adding them (and it would be great if that could be changed later, moving fixtures up and down).

However, with LED bars it may be needed to flip the order of the pixels, which can´t be done in hardware, as the first pixel will always have the lowest three channels, the second will have the next triplet etc. Simple mounting the LED bar in a different way does not work, as the cabling calls for a certain way of mounting. So I need to do that in software.

One way I can think of would be: create a new fixture definition for a single pixel and add them to the group definition in the order desired.

Another idea is to define each LED bar as a separate matrix, then change pattern direction as needed. Add RGB matrices to a collection and call them via a single button.

But there may be other/better ways to achieve that. Any ideas?
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LED bars should have multiple heads in the definition
Once you have heads, you can have fixture groups as well, and reorder whatever you like
Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:12 am
Real Name: Oliver Keller

Top, solved my problem!

I used an incomplete fixture definition and have now corrected it, so the bar has it´s pixels presented as heads.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
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Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2020 3:47 pm
Real Name: Rob Delb

I tried to post a request for help to the forum yesterday, but being new, I still have yet to hear from Administrators on approval. Not sure how long that usually takes.

I am looking for someone to help me with a small QLC+ LED bar setup.
I am in a pinch for time, and hoping to find someone I could pay for some consulting/help, and perhaps an hour or so phone call.

If either of you would be willing to help (or at least here what I am looking for), you can PM me on this forum.

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