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Link 2 Computers Via ArtNet

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2020 12:10 pm
by farlander762
I know very little about ArtNet but it seems like I should be able to get two computers running QLC+ to allow one to be the Output and the other an Input. I was trying it last night because my uDMX adapter doesn't appear to like playing with a couple of DMX USB devices on the same computer. In short, I was trying to make it work so that the church computer was running the two DMXKing UltraDMX micros and my laptop was running the Lixada uDMX device but taking its instruction from the church computer as Universe 3 (ArtNet Universe 2).

I tried both "broadcast" and "unicast" modes. I haven't tried running the uDMX by itself on the church computer yet but it works fine on my laptop and home computer by itself. All machines are Ubuntu Linux 18.04 on a local wired network together. libusb is installed and the computer is finding the uDMX device per lsusb.

Any ideas?

Re: Link 2 Computers Via ArtNet

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 6:18 pm
by pgScorpio
No need to run qlc on both computers.
There are tools to output artnet to uDMX directly.
Check out
A raspberry pi version is also available so you can even have a cheap fully standalone artnet to uDMX interface.