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fade in not working for a sequence part of a step in cue list chaser

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 7:13 pm
by slyzic

I have the following problem on v4.12.2 (did not try with other version) :

I have a sequence with 2 steps, assigned to moving head fixtures (two positions) with few seconds fade in each step.
When running the sequence in the sequence panel in design mode => fade in works fine, the fixture moves from position 1 to position 2 smoothly in few seconds, aligned with the fade in setting.

Then, I put the sequence in a collection. When running the collection, works fine too.
Then I put the collection in a chaser, and then, when testing the corresponding step of the cue list, the fixture goes from position 1 to position 2 directly, without the fade in timing.

Is it a known limitation on sequences called from within collection/chaser?

Thx in advance for your help.

11-jan update : Based on answer in another thread of this forum, I tried using "default fade in" in chaser. This solves the issue in live mode, but issue still present in editing mode.