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Design on Mac- Run on Pi?

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 3:30 am
by jlthla
So I've designed some small lighting shows on a Mac, and had to create a fixture, all of which was very easy. I moved both the fixture file and the show file to the Pi.

When I tried to open the Mac version of the show on the Pi, I get this error message:

"Unable to accesss resource"

Turns out the fixture file from the Mac doesn't show up in the fixtures on the Pi, so I recreated the fixture on the Pi, making sure all the names and parameters were correct. Still get the same error message.

Then I decided to create a show on the Mac using generic fixture...fixture files that are already on the Pi. Same error message.

Then I decided to try migrating the other way... shows created on the Pi open just fine on the Mac.

Am I doing something wrong? or are the 2 files not compatible? Is there a way to transfer both the fixture and show file I've created on the Mac, to the Pi?

Re: Design on Mac- Run on Pi?

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 6:13 pm
by mcallegari
Did you load the fixtures via web interface?

Re: Design on Mac- Run on Pi?

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:07 pm
by jlthla
Well that worked. Oddly, when logged into QL+ from the Mac via the xxx:9999 web browser, I was able to launch the show after uploading the fixture file and show file from the Mac. Crazy.

In the end, I was hoping to store these files directly on the Pi, as I was hoping to trigger them via OSC from my Home Automation system (basic holidays lighting), but while I can OSC to work from the HA computer to the QL+ Mac, I can't get it to trigger shows on the Pi. While I THOUGHT there was a firewall issue on the Pi, I'm not not sure what the problem is, but I can't get it to work.

BUT.... do you know why the files from the Mac won't work when using the desktop app on the Pi? Are they supposed to work? I could just try to design on the Pi via VNC.... but would just rather work on the Mac and then transfer the files....

Re: Design on Mac- Run on Pi?

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:26 pm
by jlthla
So FWIW, in my many attempts to bang away at this problem... (I always assume I'm doing something wrong), I noticed that the Input/Output tab was registering OSC commands on the Universe tab. Anyway, I tried everything again, and was actually able to get this work as expected on the Pi. The other big news is that I had been transferring the show file and the fixture file thru file sharing, and for some reason, they wouldn't work. Then I noticed that the VNC client was able to send files, so did that, and then QLC was registering the files correctly. Not sure that I had noticed that before, but followed the exact same steps to get OSC to work on the Pi, and I did on my Mac, but it just wouldn't work for some reason.

Then my Pi went crazy. I couldn't open up the window to look at folder and files, and a few other things were wonky. I ended up booting back into NOOBS, and re-installiing the Pi OS, finally got QLC app installed, transferred the files, got OSC setup and working properly, so now I'm super happy.

I come from a Mac background, and bought the Pi with no real goals in mind, but just to see what I could do with it. My holiday lighting project had nothing really to do with the Pi, and more about the Mac version of QLC, but it was worth every penny to pay for the Pi Version of QLC+, especially now that I've been able to get files from the Mac to work on the Pi, AND got OSC working as well.

Bottom line is, Yes, you can design on a Mac, and run on a Pi, easily.